Scripture is the final authority on what the revealed will of God is. No fallible human can claim any authority based on their own wisdom or understanding, only on that which has been revealed to us in sacred Scripture.

It has pleased the Lord over the centuries to provide His Church with Bible believing and Christ exulting teachers that have been used by God to build and edify the Church for His glory. This list is comprised of the men that I have relied upon most in my short life, and will continue to rely upon for the remainder of my time on earth.

Each individual person has preferences as to who they like to read and listen to. These are mine. I will say that a person should only sit under the teaching of someone who puts the Word over their own intellect and reason, someone who preaches and teaches the Word without compromise.

This list is a mixture of past and present teachers, all of whom spent their lives in preaching and teaching the Word to the glory of God. There are many great teachers not mentioned on this list, these are just my top ten recommendations.

  1. Charles Spurgeon

  2. John MacArthur

  3. Martyn Lloyd Jones

  4. A.W. Pink

  5. John Calvin

  6. Jonathan Edwards

  7. Thomas Watson

  8. R.C. Sproul

  9. John Owen

  10. Matthew Henry